
Welcome to the Kamonande Leopard Project's blog.
On this blog you will find regular updates on the research project in general and information and findings that the field research team discovers.

You are more than welcome to post questions and to report tracks and sightings of any predators on or near Kamonande.
More information will ensure better results.

14 August 2010

Wednesday 23 June 2010

It is Wednesday morning, after we did a night drive late Tuesday evening.

During the night drive we made various predator and antelope distress calls. We aware amazed at Anton's ability to simulate black baked jackal calls and leopard calls.
The black backed jackals responded over various distances to the calls and we could hear them moving closer to the point of call, every time thy responded.
Unfortunately we did not hear any response on the leopard calls, but we did not really expected any response, because it is mostly male leopards that occasionally call to announce their presence in the territory, letting females know they are there and to tell other males to stay out of their territory and their way.

Now let us check who visited the camera traps since yesterday and who roamed the roads and bush trails overnight...

First camera trap had a very nice find...

Can you tell what animal was photographed to the left of the bush?  Look careful, it is only its back-side?

Answer: it is a honey badger trotting down the road.
A warthog using the road...